Investment Insights Portfolio Strategies

What small-cap stocks can offer in terms of diversification, return and more.
CIBC Investor’s Edge Feb. 27, 2024 6-minute read

Role of small-caps: diversification

Correlation of Canadian large-cap stocks with other assets

Role of small-caps: return

Role of small-caps: factors

Key takeaways

1 Correlation ranges from -1 to +1 and measures the extent to which one stock moves with another. A correlation of -1 means a very strong tendency for one stock to go up and another stock to go down: perfect negative correlation. A correlation of +1 means a very strong tendency for both stocks to move in synch: perfect positive correlation. The lower the correlation between two investments, the greater the diversification benefit to the investor.

Correlations are based on monthly fund returns over the 10-year period from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2023. Funds represent broad market indexes: Canadian large-cap stocks, S&P TSX 60 (XIU); Canadian small-cap stocks, S&P TSX Small Cap (XCS); US stocks, S&P 500 (ZSP); international stocks, MSCI EAFE IMI (XEF); Canadian bonds, FTSE Canada Universe Bond (XBB); and Canadian short-term bonds, FTSE Canada Short Term Overall Bond (XSB). US and international stock funds are currency unhedged, which means they are affected by currency values as well as stock values.

3 Source: Rolf W. Banz, The Relationship Between Return and Market Value of Common Stocks, Journal of Financial Economics 9 (1981) 3-18 Opens in a new window..

4 The US size premium is missing in action, while the international size premium is also hard to find.


5 Source: Rolf Agather, What have you done with my small-cap premium? Published by CFA Institute, June 2019 Opens in a new window..

6 Source: Clifford Asness, Andrea Frazzini, Ronen Israel, Tobias J. Moskowitz, Lasse H. Pedersen, Size matters, if you control your junk, Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 129, Issue 3, September 2018 Opens in a new window..

7 Fund returns of Canadian small-cap stocks (XCS) and Canadian large-cap stocks (XIU), calendar years 2008 and 2020. Data from Portfolio Visualizer.

8 Fund returns of Canadian small-cap stocks (XCS) and Canadian large-cap stocks (XIU), January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2023. Data from Portfolio Visualizer.

9 Fund returns of US small-cap stocks (VB) and US large-cap stocks (MGC), January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2023. Data from Portfolio Visualizer. 

10 Source: Blitz, David and Hanauer, Matthias Xaver, Settling the Size Matter (September 4, 2020). Available at Social Science Research Network (SSRN)Opens in a new window..

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